[CA] Castle Age 劇情翻譯-火之王國- Orc King 2

Castle Age 堡壘世紀 第一大關Land of Fire 火之王國 任務劇情翻譯


這章加上前導劇情可以知道主角是 巴萊里亞 Valeria 的王子,出國很久在國家飄搖之際才回來
之前整個國家都靠Celesta 在維持,其實主角回來之後也一樣啦 XDD(偷笑) 


還有,暗月是不專業翻譯,還是有錯請告知啊 XD



Filled with diverse clans and warring states, this country is in constant turmoil. People long  for a leader to unite them all.


防衛城牆 Guard the City Walls
巴萊里亞 Valeria 一直不停的遭受一票土匪和小偷的攻擊。巡邏城牆,防止再次受到的攻擊拖延你尋回神聖的象徵。
Valeria has been under constant attacks from a small gang of bandits and thieves. Patrol the city walls and prevent any further attacks from delaying your preparations for the quest to retrieve the Holy Symbol.

quest_back_2.jpg 石湖 The Stone Lake
Defeat the stone golems guarding the pass to the Underground River of Light. These golems have made their home above the lake. Although they do not roam much further than the mountain pass, their presence in the area stops caravans from entering Valeria.

quest_back_3.jpg 光河 River of Light 
This massive underground river spans many miles, leading to the thundering falls of Jiraya. Help the villagers residing in the area by cleansing the cavern of any lurking threats such as goblins and imps.

quest_back_4.jpg吉拉雅瀑布 Falls of Jiraya
有條巨大的多頭蛇住在Jiraya瀑布下方。近幾個星期不停長大,吞噬不知情的倒楣路人。 20顆頭收在它的肩膀上,以每星期長一個的速度。幫助瀑布擺脫這種困擾。
A giant Hydra has taken abode underneath the falls of Jiraya. It has been growing constantly for the last few weeks, gorging on the unlucky men who happen to wander by. Twenty heads rests on its shoulders, with new ones sprouting out weekly. Rid the falls of this disturbance.

quest_back_5.jpg 泰倫通道 Entrance to Terra
為了前往 Jiraya,你來到下一個目的地前的十字路口- 泰倫。然而,探子回報有許多食屍鬼在該地區。清除十字路口的亡靈,以巴萊里亞之名!
Making your way past Jiraya, you are at the crossroads of your next destination – Terra. However, scouts have reported many ghouls in the area. Cleanse the crossroads of the undead in the name of Valeria!

怒焰之心 Heart of Fire
With the Crystal of Fire in his grasp, his thunderous voice roars, and the mountains tremble. He is fury. He is rage. He is the Orc King.
Defeat him and his hordes to retrieve the crystal!

正當激烈的戰鬥和碰撞在你的軍隊中間形成一個巨大的風暴,Celesta挺身正面挑戰獸人王 …
As the battle rages and your armies collide in the midst of a huge storm, Celesta comes face to face with the Orc King…
Celesta: 我終於找到你了! 水晶還來,否則就等著受神的懲罰!
Celesta: I have finally found you! Return the crystal or you will suffer the divine punishment of the gods!
獸人王: 傻孩子! 你會遭受死一千次的痛苦!
Orc King: Foolish Child! You will suffer the pain of a thousand souls!

獸人王提起他的斧頭高過頭頂。當他們距離逐漸縮短的同時,突然一道明亮的閃光! 天空似乎尖叫起來。光形成的魔法箭從Celesta的指尖射出, 獸人王隻膝脆地。獸人王一邊詛咒著一邊把他剩餘的部隊撤退到風暴中。當戰鬥漸息,你會發現一個熟悉的紅色石頭在地上。
The Orc King Charges forward with his axe raised above his head. As their distance closes, there is a bright flash! The sky itself seems to scream. Bolts of lightning shoot from Celesta’s fingertips, and the Orc King falls to his knees. The Orc King curses you as he and his remaining army retreat into the storm. When the battle clears, you find a familiar red stone on the ground.


CA這兩段好像不太接,前期的故事常有這種連不起來的現象= =+

orc_boss_large.jpg 吉爾伽美什 邊揮著他的巨斧邊往你和Celesta而來,Celesta 雖然閃過了他的攻擊但因為突然跌倒而落後。獸人王獰笑。你的同伴都忙著處理他的嘍嘍。你知道就快完蛋了。用令人眩目的速度,獸人王舉起斧頭再次朝你猛攻了。
Gildamesh sweeps his axe in large arcs as he rushes at you and Celesta. Celesta dodges his blows but suddenly falls backward as she trips on the jagged rocks below you. The Orc King grins. Your party is busy fighting his minions. You know this has to end soon. With blinding speed, the Orc King raises his axe and rushes at you again.

你閃過一斧又一斧直到被逼進了角落。獸人國王舉起斧頭,往下。突然你看著 Awacs 從側面急奔而來擋住這一擊。Dragan 從後面出現並對獸人王用盾猛擊,你的朋友們把他的嘍嘍都解決了! 你抓到機會攻擊!You dodge swing after swing until you are cornered. The Orc King raises his axe and brings it down. Suddenly you see Awacs rush up from the side and deflect his blow. Dragan comes up from behind and bashes his shield on the Orc King. Your friends have defeated his minions! You take the opportunity to attack!

你用劍的鈍面敲昏 Gildamesh 接著飛快的把你的武器再次送出,刺穿他的盔甲。
You stun Gildamesh with the blunt side of your weapon and with a quick motion, you bring your weapon down a second time, piercing his armor.

Gildamesh 說: 你證明自己是值得交手的對手, 法蘭克*….我們會再見面的!
Gildamesh Grunts: You’ve proved yourself a worthy adversary, Frank* …But we shall meet again!

A burst of intense light blinds you and suddenly, the Orc King is gone.

You have defeated the Orc King and already claimed the Crystal of Fire. Now it is time to journey to the Land of Earth and search for the Crystal of Earth.


吉爾伽美什 Gildamesh:蘇美人的美索不達米亞史詩中,暴虐半神半人的烏魯克國國王

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chibc《暗月之鏡》 從高中網路開始普及就開始成為重度網路使用者,早期主要活動集中於巴哈姆特。


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2 thoughts on “[CA] Castle Age 劇情翻譯-火之王國- Orc King

  • liancf

    版主回覆:(04/24/2010 08:19:17 AM)
    現在是連任務都有翻譯啊 XD

  • liancf

    我是指解任務的內容都翻譯出來~ XD
    版主回覆:(05/10/2010 02:32:41 AM)
    那段我不覺得是劇情的一部分 XD 其實我也有想過要不要順手翻一下
    Heart of Fire 我也是猶豫了好一陣子
    所以修正成" 怒焰之心"